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620 Halloween : Spooky Dog Ghosts Applique
620 Halloween : Spooky Dog Ghosts Applique
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Sayings (2177) Birth Saying Made To Order by elizabeth brewster Date Added: Sunday 27 February, 2022
Sayings (2177) Birth Saying Made To Order Stitch on Time has the most amazing designs. Stitch out beautifully

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO by Joanne Randall Date Added: Friday 05 June, 2020
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO This is the 3rd time I've ordered this design -of course with different names on them for gifts. Thi..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
13697 Custom : Isolation Buddy MTO by Elizabeth Benteau Date Added: Tuesday 28 April, 2020
13697 Custom : Isolation Buddy MTO This stitched out perfectly!!! All of my grandchildren received an Isolation Buddy for Easter! I jus..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO by Joanne Randall Date Added: Wednesday 20 November, 2019
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO This design is fantastic!! Stitches out beautifully and will be a wonderful keepsake gift for any gr..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
5 BOATS : Titanic 5x7 by Barbara Hogan Date Added: Thursday 17 October, 2019
5 BOATS : Titanic 5x7 is there a color chart for this design? I have the embroidery design wondering about colors

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
Sayings (2556) Guardian Angel 5x7 by Ana Maria Suarez Date Added: Tuesday 19 March, 2019
Sayings (2556) Guardian Angel 5x7 My GRANDMA is my GUARDIAN Angel 11-24-2007

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
5 BOATS : Titanic 5x7 by Jill Clay-Curwen Date Added: Friday 25 January, 2019
5 BOATS : Titanic 5x7 I embroidered this onto a cushion cover for my friends son who is infatuated with anything to do wit..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
5969 Sayings : Adoption Day 5x7 by Rajean Yeske Date Added: Monday 22 January, 2018
5969 Sayings : Adoption Day 5x7 This design really stitched out great! Ordering was easy! Thanks!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
5969 Sayings : Adoption Day 5x7 by Rajean Yeske Date Added: Monday 22 January, 2018
5969 Sayings : Adoption Day 5x7 I stitched out this design today on a t-shirt....tomorrow is adoption day for our grandson! It real..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
1 Maps : USA with Heart in your own chosen States MTO by Diane Anderson Date Added: Wednesday 29 November, 2017
1 Maps : USA with Heart in your own chosen States MTO Thank you so much. I absolutely love it. It stitched out beautifully.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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1 x Wonderland (A7) Ace of Diamonds Applique 6x10
1 x Crowns (A61) Ask to add your own choice of name & date 6x10
1 x Cards (A2) Ace of Spades Applique 5x7
1 x Babies Stuff (A20) Pacifer / Dummy Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Flip Flop Monogram : Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
1 x 110 Crowns : Crown With Name MTO
1 x Ballet (A10) Shoes Applique 5x7
1 x 1 Room Signs : Made To Order With Name 6x10
1 x 4465 Birth Sayings : Birth Saying Made To Order 4x4, 5x7, 6x10 o
1 x fairytale (A31) Princess Applique 6x10
1 x 7461 Birth Sayings : Birth Saying Made To Order
1 x 1 Circle Monogram : Made To Order With Name 4x4
1 x Pirates (A42) Pirate 3x3
1 x Cinderella (A96) Tiara 6x10
1 x Birth Sayings (1642) Birth Saying Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Clothes (A2) Dress Applique 5x7
1 x Wonderland (A29) Ace of Spades Applique 4x4
1 x Masks (A11) Pirate Applique 5x7
1 x Peace (A60) Peace Love Turkey Applique 5x7
1 x 7021 Sayings : Hello World MTO
1 x Tornado (A2) 6x10
1 x 1 School Names : Names Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Christmas (A161) Christmas Lights Applique 5x7
1 x 13581 Custom : Learn, Pray, Listen, Play MTO
1 x 190 Easter: My First Easter MTO
1 x Tractors (A22) Pumpkin Truck Applique 5x7
1 x 15 Skeleton : Love Skeleton Hands MTO
1 x Cowgirl (A4) Boots Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A588) Coach Applique 6x10
1 x Arrow (A1) Applique 4x4
1 x Cowgirl (A6) Boots Applique 4x4
1 x 4 Room Signs : Made To Order With Name 5x7
1 x Bow (A10) BOW Applique 5x7
1 x Crests (A2) Wreath 4x4
1 x Sayings (A593) Hero Applique 6x10
1 x 3 Floral : Floral Initial MTO
1 x Ornamental (A2) Swirls 5x7
1 x Fleur (A6) 5x7
1 x Woman (A1) 100% Woman Bra 5x7
1 x Freddy (A3) Frog Prince Applique 6x10
1 x 2944 Custom : Worlds Best...Made To Order 4x4
1 x Birth Sayings (1278) Birth Saying Made To Order 4x4
1 x Jigsaw (A5) Puzzle Applique 5x7
1 x Dragon (A2) Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A590) PC Rocks Applique 5x7
1 x Mannequin (A1) 5x7
1 x Bubblegum (A2) Girl Blowing Bubble Applique 5x7
1 x Clothes (A4) Dungarees Applique 5x7
1 x 1985 Birth Saying : Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Dad (1) Since........Made To Order 5x7
2 x Sayings (A578) Buffs Applique 6x10
1 x 3 Class of : 4x4, 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Ornamental (A9) Star Applique 4x4
1 x Pirates (A39) Pirate Hat Applique 5x7
1 x 1 Alphabet Names : MTO
1 x Cards (A6) Queen of Hearts Applique 4x4
1 x 13697 Custom : Isolation Buddy MTO
1 x Buggle (A10) caterpillar Bug Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Pencil : Monogram Made To Order Applique 5x7
1 x 1 Building Block : Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Flower Power (A20) Flowers 5x7
2 x 1 Fish Family : Made To Order With Name Applique 12x12 or 6x10
1 x Cinderella (A112) Tiara 4x4
1 x Sayings (A572) Pint Size Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Apple Monogram : Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Wonderland (A33) Queen Applique 4x4
1 x 1 Frozen Name : Made To Order 5x7
1 x Babies Stuff (A21) Pacifer / Dummy Applique 5x7
1 x Dragon (A1) Applique 6x10
1 x Bunnies (A23) Flower Applique 4x4
1 x Dad (2012) Since........Made To Order 6x10
1 x Cards (A1) Ace of Spades Applique 6x10
1 x Crests (A3) Rope Wreath 4x4
1 x 41 Cubbies Birthday : Happy Birthday Cheeky Monkey MTO
1 x Christmas (A7) Xmas Tree Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A570) WILD Applique 4x4
1 x Sayings (A584) Boss Lady Applique 5x7
1 x School Bus (A3) School Bus Applique 6x10
1 x 2654 Birth Saying : Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Clothes (A1) Dress Applique 6x10
1 x fairytale (A2) Knight Applique 5x7
1 x Baby Stuff (A27) Blocks 4x4
1 x Bee (A1) Applique 6x10
1 x Babies (C1) 5x7
1 x Cowboy (A1) Cowboy Hat Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A583) Boss Lady Applique 6x10
1 x fairytale (A12) Horse Applique 6x10
1 x fairytale (A20) Knight Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A586) Redneck Girl Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A612) Gigi Rocks Applique 5x7
1 x 25 Cowboy : Birthday Cowboy Applique Made To Order
1 x Babies Stuff (A22) Pacifer / Dummy 5x7
1 x Flags (A43) Hurricane Applique 6x10
1 x Hula (A20) Hawaiian Palm Tree Applique 6x10
1 x Wonderland (A32) Alice Applique 4x4
1 x Baseball (A41) Ball Applique 5x7
1 x Cows (A17) Cow by Fence Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Starry : Names Made To Order Applique 4x4, 5x7 or 6x10
1 x fairytale (A6) King Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Comic Cover : Names Made To Order Applique 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Clothes (A9) Hat Applique 4x4
1 x Carnival (A10) Carousel Applique 5x7
1 x 1 Drop Shadow Names : MTO
1 x Freddy (A5) Rainforest Tree Frog Applique 6x10
1 x Cotton (A4) Applique 4x4
1 x Babs (A31) Cosmetics Applique 5x7
1 x fairytale (A37) Fairy Applique 5x7
1 x Crowns (A51) Crown 4x4
1 x Money (A1) $ Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A418) CLASS OF Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A589) Coach Applique 5x7
1 x Valentine (A94) Heart Applique 3x3
1 x Birth Sayings (548) Birth Saying Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Sayings (A738) Fight Like a Girl Applique 6x10
1 x 13096 Custom : God Has You In His Arms MTO
1 x Rhino (A1) 6x10
1 x Trojan (A10) Spartan Applique 6x10
1 x Dolly Girls (A2) Applique 5x7
1 x Flower Patch (A6) K Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Twirling Names : Monogram Made To Order 5x7
1 x 7 COUPLE NAMES : Always & Forever (Made to Order)
1 x Snowboarder (A2) Applique 5x7
1 x Baseball (A8) Hat Applique 5x7
1 x 12 Roping : I'm Gonna Be A Team Roper MTO
1 x War (A72) Jet applique 5x7
1 x School Bus (A2) School Bus Applique 6x10
Quant. Disc.: -£53.97p
01.Birth Sayings (1811) Birth Saying Made To Order 4x4, 5x7 or 6x10
02.Birthday (145) Its my 1/2 Birthday Cupcake Applique 5x7
03.Sayings (2177) Birth Saying Made To Order
04.Sayings (1606) Gonna Be Big Sister Applique 5x7
05.137 Baseball : Baseball Mom Applique 6x10
06.Birthday (87) 1 Love Bug Ladybug Applique 5x7
07.Birth Sayings (1642) Birth Saying Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
08.Sayings (3929) After Every Storm There is a Rainbow 5x7
09.5557 Sayings : I Aint No Yuppie Girl Jack 5x7
10.Sayings (A1162) Steal Me Applique 5x7
Reviews more
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO
This is the 3rd time I've ordered this design -of course wit ..
5 of 5 Stars!

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