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7302 SAYINGS : Bushel and a Peck
7302 SAYINGS : Bushel and a Peck
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Sayings (2177) Birth Saying Made To Order by elizabeth brewster Date Added: Sunday 27 February, 2022
Sayings (2177) Birth Saying Made To Order Stitch on Time has the most amazing designs. Stitch out beautifully

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO by Joanne Randall Date Added: Friday 05 June, 2020
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO This is the 3rd time I've ordered this design -of course with different names on them for gifts. Thi..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
13697 Custom : Isolation Buddy MTO by Elizabeth Benteau Date Added: Tuesday 28 April, 2020
13697 Custom : Isolation Buddy MTO This stitched out perfectly!!! All of my grandchildren received an Isolation Buddy for Easter! I jus..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO by Joanne Randall Date Added: Wednesday 20 November, 2019
7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO This design is fantastic!! Stitches out beautifully and will be a wonderful keepsake gift for any gr..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
5 BOATS : Titanic 5x7 by Barbara Hogan Date Added: Thursday 17 October, 2019
5 BOATS : Titanic 5x7 is there a color chart for this design? I have the embroidery design wondering about colors

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
Sayings (2556) Guardian Angel 5x7 by Ana Maria Suarez Date Added: Tuesday 19 March, 2019
Sayings (2556) Guardian Angel 5x7 My GRANDMA is my GUARDIAN Angel 11-24-2007

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
5 BOATS : Titanic 5x7 by Jill Clay-Curwen Date Added: Friday 25 January, 2019
5 BOATS : Titanic 5x7 I embroidered this onto a cushion cover for my friends son who is infatuated with anything to do wit..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
5969 Sayings : Adoption Day 5x7 by Rajean Yeske Date Added: Monday 22 January, 2018
5969 Sayings : Adoption Day 5x7 This design really stitched out great! Ordering was easy! Thanks!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
5969 Sayings : Adoption Day 5x7 by Rajean Yeske Date Added: Monday 22 January, 2018
5969 Sayings : Adoption Day 5x7 I stitched out this design today on a t-shirt....tomorrow is adoption day for our grandson! It real..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
1 Maps : USA with Heart in your own chosen States MTO by Diane Anderson Date Added: Wednesday 29 November, 2017
1 Maps : USA with Heart in your own chosen States MTO Thank you so much. I absolutely love it. It stitched out beautifully.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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1 x 38 Angel : You tiptoed into our lives MTO
2 x Oz (A14) Tin Man Applique 5x7
1 x Christmas (A153) Reindeer Diva Applique 4x4
1 x Circus (A7) Bear Clown Applique 5x7
2 x Circus (A1) Big Top Tent Applique 5x7
1 x Cart (A2) Applique 5x7
1 x 15187 Custom : I Love Snacks MTO
1 x Stove (A2) Girl on Chair Cooking Applique 5x7
1 x Circus (A8) Ring Master Applique 6x10
1 x Bears (A8) Applique 4x4
1 x Carnival (A15) Carousel Applique 6x10
1 x fairytale (A24) Fairy Applique 6x10
1 x Carnival (A1) Ticket Applique 5x7
1 x Crosses (A11) Applique 5x7
2 x Chinese Dragon (A4) Applique 5x7
1 x Gymnast (A16) Applique 6x10
1 x Oz (A24) Poppy Applique 6x10
1 x Cake (A2) Birthday Applique 5x7
1 x Wild Animals (A3) Rhino Applique 6x10
3 x Oz (A23) Toadstool Applique 5x7
1 x 35 Reindeer Letters : Reindeer Letter & Name 4x4
1 x Dolly Girls (A8) Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A680) Angies Cheer Applique 4x4
1 x Carnival (A8) Cotton Candy Applique 5x7
1 x Carnival (A10) Carousel Applique 5x7
1 x Dolly Girls (A7) Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A674) Peanut Allergy Applique 5x7
2 x Telephone (A1) Old Telephone Applique 6x10
1 x Telephone (A3) Old Telephone Applique 6x10
1 x Stove (A1) Girl on Chair Cooking Applique 6x10
2 x Telephone (A2) Old Telephone Applique 5x7
1 x Christmas (A151) Reindeer Diva Applique 6x10
1 x Oz (A3) Bad Witch Applique 6x10
1 x Stove (A3) Girl on Chair Cooking 4x4
1 x Cowgirl (A6) Boots Applique 4x4
1 x Sayings (A1089) E Bobcats Applique 4x4
1 x 844 Christmas : Dog With Christmas Lights MTO
2 x 48 Crosses : MTO Applique
1 x Sayings (A645) It's My Birthday Applique 6x10
1 x Christmas (A175) Xmas Wreath With Horse Applique 5x7
1 x fairytale (A25) Fairy Applique 5x7
1 x 6987 Custom : Penguin with 5 Applique Made To Order 5x7
1 x Christian (A1) Fish Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A1047) Chocolate Milk 5x7
1 x 1 Heaven : Sent Down To Earth MTO
2 x Carnival (A19) Girl Clown Applique 5x7
1 x 13697 Custom : Isolation Buddy MTO
1 x Telephone (A4) Old Telephone Applique 5x7
1 x Ballet (A21) Dancer Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A650) Birthday Star Applique 5x7
1 x 1 Circle Monogram : Made To Order With Name 4x4
1 x Beanstalk (A2) Jack Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A1114) trainng Heels Applique 4x4
1 x Sayings (A698) Daycare Rocks Applique 5x7
1 x Bunnies (A24) Chocolate Bunny Rabbit Applique 6x10
1 x Rudolph (A11) Reindeer Applique 6x10
1 x 1 PTA : Made To Order With Own Name Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Chemo : My Last Day of Chemo Made To Order
1 x 13106 Custom : In Memory Of MTO
1 x Roller Skates (A3) Applique 4x4
1 x 1 Comic Cover : Names Made To Order Applique 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Wonderland (A36) Heart Applique 5x7
1 x Oz (A9) Yellow Brick Road Applique 6x10
1 x Circus (A6) Bear Clown Applique 6x10
2 x Christmas (D1) Tree Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A1085) Rockabilly Baby 5x7
1 x Ballroom (A3) 4x4
1 x Idaliacouture (A12) Mushroom Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A1016) Cute Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A748) I Love Horses Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A1063) Cupid Couture Applique 5x7
1 x 59 Vectors : Made to Order Unicorn Initial and Name SVG
1 x Freddy (A1) Frog Applique 6x10
1 x 24 Vectors : Stacked Monogram Made To Order
1 x Ballet (A20) Dancer Applique 5x7
1 x Flower Power (A1) Applique 6x10
1 x Oz (A4) Bad Witch Applique 5x7
1 x Idaliacouture (A13) Mushroom Applique 4x4
1 x Sayings (A1015) GEAUX CAVS Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Made In : Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
2 x Dolly Girls (A2) Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A676) Gamecock Cutie Applique 6x10
1 x Freddy (A3) Frog Prince Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A1138) Daddys Little Squirt 4x4
1 x 7939 Custom : Hand Picked For Earth MTO
1 x Christmas (A148) Xmas Presents Applique 6x10
1 x Bunnies (A35) Bunny Rabbit Applique 4x4
1 x Wild Animals (A20) Camel Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A691) Titans Applique 5x7
1 x Crosses (A15) Applique 6x10
1 x 11 Crabby : Crab With Name Made To Order Applique 5x7
1 x Bewitched (A9) Witch Applique 6x10
1 x Wildcat (A5) Applique 5x7
1 x Babs (A31) Cosmetics Applique 5x7
1 x Wildcat (A6) Applique 4x4
1 x Circus (A9) Ring Master Applique 5x7
1 x Oz (A21) Tree Applique 5x7
1 x fairytale (A37) Fairy Applique 5x7
1 x Olibeli (A24) Flowers Applique 5x7
1 x Mermaids (A28) Mermaid Applique 6x10
1 x Glasses (A2) fashion Shades Applique 5x7
1 x 1 Caslon Circle Monogram : Made To Order With Name 6x10
1 x Baseball (A49) Girl Player Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A1048) Star Cordova Fan 6x10
1 x 13 New Year : Happy New Year & Name Made To Order 5x7
1 x Roller Skates (9) Diva Roller Skates with Name Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A744) Hope Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A1159) No Bow No Go Applique 4x4
1 x 28 Cubbies : I Belong To MTO
1 x 74 Christening : Baptism MTO
1 x Bunnies (A46) Bee Bunny Rabbit Applique 6x10
1 x War (A74) Welcome Home Mommy applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A717) 100% Boy Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Karine Names : Names Made To Order Applique 4x4, 5x7 or 6x10
1 x 11047 Custom : Forever In Our Hearts MTO
1 x Idaliacouture (A1) Lemon Girl Applique 6x10
1 x Birds (A21) Applique 6x10
1 x Mermaids (A7) Dolphin Applique 5x7
1 x Carnival (A7) Cotton Candy Applique 5x7
1 x 1 Damask Name : Names Made To Order Applique 5x7 or 6x10
1 x Baseball (A45) Play Ball Applique 6x10
1 x 7 Wreath Monogram : Made To Order
1 x Sea Life (A5) Submarine Applique 5x7
1 x Cowboy (A1) Cowboy Hat Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A509) Princess 5x7
1 x Animals (A20) Rabbit Applique 6x10
1 x Carnival (A18) Girl Clown Applique 5x7
1 x Cats (A17) Princess Cat Applique 6x10
1 x Butterfly Kisses (A8) Butterfly Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A745) Hope Applique 5x7
1 x Circus (A4) Tight Rope Walker Applique 6x10
1 x Dog Park (A13) Sneaker Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A274) CLASS OF Applique 6x10
1 x 1 Pencil : Monogram Made To Order Applique 5x7
1 x Baseball (A56) Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A1041) Special 6x10
1 x Pop (A6) Trike Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A856) Dance Mom 5x7
1 x 128 Grandparents Block : Made To Order
1 x Sayings (A878) Kiss Me Colts 5x7
1 x Chilli (A1) Applique 8x12
1 x Rudolph (A19) Jack in the Box Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A756) Ashley Applique 5x7
1 x Artist (A4) Monkey Artist Applique 5x7
1 x Carnival (A11) Carousel Applique 4x4
1 x Green Monster (A6) Christmas Hand Applique 4x4
1 x Rollercoaster (A1) Applique 5x7
1 x 1 Caslon Circle Monogram : Made To Order With Name 5x7
1 x 33 Dogs : Dog With Name Applique 5x7
1 x Sayings (A622) Wild Applique 6x10
1 x Skulls (A24) Girl Applique 6x10
1 x Sayings (A827) Couture Birthday 5x7
1 x Sayings (A1166) Bows Applique 4x4
1 x 6135 Sayings : SIS Made To Order Applique 5x7
1 x Knots (A1) 2.5 inches
1 x Garden Fairies (A1) ladybug Applique 6x10
1 x Cowgirl (A8) Country Christmas 4x4
1 x 2 Room Signs : Made To Order With Name 5x7
1 x Ladybird (A3) Applique 4x4
1 x 1 Caslon Monogram : Made To Order With Name 6x10
1 x Valentine (250) Heart With Initials Applique 5x7
1 x Fonts (A1) Bellbottom Applique 4x4 5x7 6x10
1 x Jive Font : Names Made To Order 5x7
2 x Bewitched (A2) Witch Applique 5x7
1 x Babies Stuff (A11) Pacifier / Dummy 4x4
1 x 19 Farm Yard : Cow 5x7 and 4x4
1 x Sayings (A1056) Dear Santa 5x7
1 x Sayings (A1081) Anarchy 5x7
1 x Sayings (A1038) Asthma Diva 5x7
1 x Wonderland (A29) Ace of Spades Applique 4x4
1 x 411 Letters : Indian Letter and Name MTO
1 x Sayings (A871) Other Woman 5x7
1 x 1 Bunting Name : Frame With Bunting And Name MTO
1 x Wild Animals (A23) Giraff Applique 5x7
Quant. Disc.: -£75.77p
01.Birth Sayings (1811) Birth Saying Made To Order 4x4, 5x7 or 6x10
02.Birthday (145) Its my 1/2 Birthday Cupcake Applique 5x7
03.Sayings (2177) Birth Saying Made To Order
04.Sayings (1606) Gonna Be Big Sister Applique 5x7
05.137 Baseball : Baseball Mom Applique 6x10
06.Birthday (87) 1 Love Bug Ladybug Applique 5x7
07.Birth Sayings (1642) Birth Saying Made To Order 5x7 or 6x10
08.Sayings (3929) After Every Storm There is a Rainbow 5x7
09.5557 Sayings : I Aint No Yuppie Girl Jack 5x7
10.Sayings (A1162) Steal Me Applique 5x7
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7087 Sayings : Happiness is Having Grandchildren MTO
This is the 3rd time I've ordered this design -of course wit ..
5 of 5 Stars!

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